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Software Prototypes by David Meredith

File Description (16KB) Lisp implementation (Digitool MCL 4.3) of Emilios Cambouropoulos's pitch spelling algorithm. For further details, see here. (8KB) Lisp implementation (Digitool MCL 4.3) of Longuet-Higgins's pitch spelling algorithm. For further details, see here. (12KB) Lisp implementation (Digitool MCL 4.3) of Dave Meredith's ps13  pitch spelling algorithm. For further details, see here. (DM5) (DM6) (DM7) (DM8) (DM9) (DM10)
ZIP files containing implementations of the COSIATEC and SIATECCompress algorithms submitted to the 2013 MIREX competition on Discovery of Repeated Themes and Sections. Each zip file contains an extended abstract, a jar file and a README file explaining how to run the jar file. ALL THESE PROGRAMS ONLY WORK WITH JAVA 1.6.
OMNISIA ZIP file containing OMNISIA jar file implementing SIATEC-based pattern discovery algorithms. For further details, see here. Extract ZIP archive, cd to folder containing Jar file and type "java -Xmx32G -jar OMNISIA20160926.jar" at the command line to get help on usage. (7MB) ZIP file containing jar file implementing version of SIATECCompress optimized for three-layer F1 score, submitted to the 2016 edition of the MIREX competition on Discovery of Repeated Themes and Sections. Extract ZIP archive, cd to folder containing Jar file and type "java -Xmx32G -jar MeredithTLF1MIREX2016.jar <input file path> <output file path>" at the command line. ZIP archive also contains a README file and a PDF file containing a short paper describing the algorithm. The archive also contains the lisp format encodings of the five pieces in the polyphonic version of the JKU Patterns Development Database, together with the output files generated by this program for these files (with .tlf1 file extension). (6.8MB) ZIP file containing jar file implementing version of SIATECCompress optimized for three-layer precision, submitted to the 2016 edition of the MIREX competition on Discovery of Repeated Themes and Sections. Extract ZIP archive, cd to folder containing Jar file and type "java -Xmx32G -jar MeredithTLPMIREX2016.jar <input file path> <output file path>" at the command line. ZIP archive also contains a README file and a PDF file containing a short paper describing the algorithm. The archive also contains the lisp format encodings of the five pieces in the polyphonic version of the JKU Patterns Development Database, together with the output files generated by this program for these files (with .tlp file extension). (7.4MB) ZIP file containing jar file implementing version of SIATECCompress optimized for three-layer recall, submitted to the 2016 edition of the MIREX competition on Discovery of Repeated Themes and Sections. Extract ZIP archive, cd to folder containing Jar file and type "java -Xmx32G -jar MeredithTLRMIREX2016.jar <input file path> <output file path>" at the command line. ZIP archive also contains a README file and a PDF file containing a short paper describing the algorithm. The archive also contains the lisp format encodings of the five pieces in the polyphonic version of the JKU Patterns Development Database, together with the output files generated by this program for these files (with .tlr file extension).

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